Monday, July 26, 2010

A monastic revolution

Krista Tippet gesels met Shane Claiborne oor die laaste paar jaar van sy lewe. Check dit uit:

Shane se storie laat my worstel met my eie: Hoe lyk 'n new-monasticism in Suid-Afrika? Hoe lyk dit vir 'n pa met 2kinders en met 'n vrou wat 'n lewe in suburbia verwag het toe sy die dag 'ja' gesĂȘ het?
Ek glo eerlik nie dat die weg van die New Monasticism net op Shane se manier hoef te gebeur nie en ek dink hy sal saamstem. Tog is daar 'n paar grondbeginsels van die New Monasticism wat organies moet deel wees van enige poging tot so alternative community. My worstel dus: hoe lyk die alternative community vir 'n gesin soos ons s'n? Waar begin 'n mens die reis? Vir eers praat ons nog...soek ons ons oop vir ander stemme...

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Fearless humanity

Jesus taught fearlessness. Thus, to follow Jesus means to live a faith that takes us beyond our anxieties, beyond our deepest fears and troubles to a place of perfect trust. To follow the Prince of Peace is to commit to the ethics of Jesus. The ethics of Jesus is an ethic that requires us to live love. This love is a “caritas,” a wide-open affection that produces human kindness. It is a nonjudgmental friendliness. It is a spirit of generosity. - Valerie Dixon, Sojourners

Human Sameness

By the honest recognition and confession of our human sameness we can participate in the care of God who came, not to the powerful but powerless, not to be different but the same, not to take our pain away but to share it. Through this participation we can open our hearts to each other and form a new community.

Jeannie Choi - Sojourners