Tuesday, April 19, 2011

new words...new imaginations...new ways of being

Annie Dillard wrote "How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives."I believe we need to imagine a new way of being. A new way of spending our days. Once this imagination of a new way of being grows into a shared imagination (even if it is within a small group of companions), it gets easier to take the leaping steps towards this new way of being.

It is not easy to grow a new imagination, especially if you are comfortable with your current reality. Not all of us are day-dreamers. The imagine-part doesn't come so easily. I believe words help. New words create and release new imaginations. I am busy learning a new mother-tongue...one word at a time...
That's why I was so pleased to discover the following movement http://www.thelexicon.org/

Introducing ... The Lexicon of Sustainability from the lexicon of sustainability on Vimeo.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Earth day 2011

The Earth Day 2011 campaign aims to get citizens of the world to commit to doing acts of green. http://www.earthday.org/

How many acts of green will you do on Earth Day? (And every day?)

Visit www.greenworks.co.za/earthday.html  for ideas and suggestions.

Please follow the link and register your PLEDGE.
Please remember, with all the holidays this month, to watch your waste.