Tuesday, April 19, 2011

new words...new imaginations...new ways of being

Annie Dillard wrote "How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives."I believe we need to imagine a new way of being. A new way of spending our days. Once this imagination of a new way of being grows into a shared imagination (even if it is within a small group of companions), it gets easier to take the leaping steps towards this new way of being.

It is not easy to grow a new imagination, especially if you are comfortable with your current reality. Not all of us are day-dreamers. The imagine-part doesn't come so easily. I believe words help. New words create and release new imaginations. I am busy learning a new mother-tongue...one word at a time...
That's why I was so pleased to discover the following movement http://www.thelexicon.org/

Introducing ... The Lexicon of Sustainability from the lexicon of sustainability on Vimeo.

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